Class : Thought Shield

Class : Thought Shield
Instructor : Mystanna Carrick

Thought shield is an ability in which you use to shield your memories, thoughts or feelings from being read by others.

Threshold – 65

Turn 1 – Success (77)
Turn 2 – Failure (3)
Turn 3 – Failure (29)

Ability Learned!!!

Class : Force Jump

Class : Force Jump
Instructor : Jace Drayson

Force Jump is one of the core powers in a Jedi’s arsenal. It can be used to enhance combat or escape it, and to achieve great heights.

Once you have a destination, coil the the force beneath you and jump. Release the energy field behind and beneath you.

Threshold – 50

Turn 1 – Success (90)

Ability Learned!!!

Class : Comprehend Speech

Class : Comprehend Speech
Instructor : Lasota

Comprehend speech allows the user to understand the meaning behind a spoken language. As the ability is practiced, and you grow better, more complex meanings can be understood.

This ability does have some obvious limitations. It does not use sound, and so it is not able to understand simple utterances of verbal communication. It is limited to spoken languages only, and only by those of organic origins.

One can not use comprehend speech to read texts, understand physical communication or the words spoken by a droid. The force uses instead, our intent and understanding that provides the context and meaning of our words.

Personal Threshold – 60
Turn 1 – Failure (24)
Turn 2 – Failure (54)
Turn 3 – Success (95)

Ability Learned!!!

Class : Conquers and Honors : Part 2

Class : Conquers and Honors : Part 2
Instructor : Knight Jhoraan Gray

Honors :

A sort of code of conduct. Things Jedi must honor in order to correctly follow the code.

Honesty –
Lying is bad. It is important to be honest, as it establishes trust. Trust is important. If we lie ad Jedi, we get poor reputations with those who are not within the order.

Honor Your Promises –
When making a promise you should be able to keep it. If always breaking promises, it breaks a trustful foundation. You should not make promises for other people, as you don’t know if they share your commitment, and the promise could be broken.

Honor Your Padawan –
A padawan trusts their Master to guide them in the ways of the force. The Master shapes their future with their teachings.

Honor Your Master –
They are wiser, more knowledgeable, and are teaching the padawan the ways of the force. They deserve great respect.

Honor The Council –
The coucil is wise. They are the ultimate authority. You should always consider their knowledge and wisdom on the force. Respect them when they are not there. Just because they are not there, does not mean it gives you rights to misbehave.

Honor The Order –
Everything a person does reflects back on the order as a whole.

Honor The Law –
Jedi are not above the law.

Honor Life –
Everything with life is connected to the force. To not honor life, is to not honor the force.

Class : Conquers and Honors : Part 1

Class : Conquers and Honors : Part 1
Instructor : Knight Jhoraan Gray

Essentially, a philosophy. A list that all Jedi should live by, but open to interpretation.

Conquers :

Arrogance – Arrogance can make us blind to those around us who aren’t Jedi, and may be capable of helping us, or may even be strong enough to help themselve.s Jedi are not better than anyone.

Overconfidence – Overconfidence leads to lack of strive to do better, and often leaves you vulnerable.

Defeatism – If you always plan to fail, you will always fail. One should always plan for success first.

Stubbornness – Being set in our ways leads to not being open to or accepting of other ways. This can lead to failure, or falling to the dark side. This is why there is no shame in running from a threat, or giving up an impossible task. Sometimes it gives us another path.

Recklessness – Being reckless leads to not knowing dangers, or other options for situations. It could put yourself and others in danger of harm or death.

Curiousity – Seeking knowledge for selfish reasons is dangerous and can lead to the dark side.

Aggression – Acting on aggression is acting on passion. It leads to us using our anger to wield the force, and may cause others to misjudge us.

External Loyalties – Could lead to you doing things for people that are not allowed or without permission of the council. This can lead to a bad reputation for the council the republic and the force.

Materialism – Forming attachments to even material objects not just living ones, can distract from the force, and when lost, can cause emotions and dangers of crossing the line to the dark side.

Class : Lightsaber Instruction : Niman

Class : Niman
Instructor : Master Iosaf Palladeshi

Partner : Master Boaz

Niman is known as many things. Form six. The moderation form. The diplomat’s form. The way of the Rancor.

Niman takes from all previous forms, aside from Makashi. It is intended to adapt your fighting style to the situation at hand, not dedicating to any one style or way of combat.

The blade and foot work of Niman is non-chalant and loose. It is perfect for those who do not have the time to dedicate to the form, and potent for those who do.

Niman High-Guard

Zone One

Blade in front of head, held in both hands, non dominant hand in loose grip. Slant blade back at a 45 degree angle, shoulders square, right foot back and knees bent in a relaxed fashion.

Attack – Bring blade downward towards the head.
Defense – Least effort possible, raising the blade ina perpendicular line, step asside, or redirect the blade with an opposing slash.

Niman Mid Guard

Zone Two, Three, and Four.

Right arm, shoulder and side. Left arm, shoulder and side. And the back.

Right leg back and slightly away from the front, holding the saber with the right hand only, pointed back and away from the enemy. Left arm wrapped across the front of the body, towards the right side, as if it could be holding a second saber.

Niman Low Guard

Zone five and six.

Right and left legs.

Hold the blade in front, pointed to the ground, steep angle towards the left. Right foot forward, knees slightly bent. Both hands on the saber.

Class : Telekenisis I

Class : Telekenisis I
Instructor : Jerykka Shannara

Telekenisis is moving an object with the force. It is an alter ability, as you are altering the object by relocating it.

More advanced users can use telekenisis to accelerate items like projectiles, move multiple objects at once, alter air currents, or even create a telekinetic blast of energy.

Success based on personal thoughts on how my character would do. First attempt, failure.

Ability not learned!!

Combined with moving meditation and further training with Apolloline…

Ability Learned!!!

Class : Telepathy I

Class : Telepathy 1
Instructor : Apolloline
Partner : Xenekshin

Telepathy is a sense ability which is used to communicate with others mentally rather than vocally. Depending on the user’s ability, as well as the connection with the other person, they can communicate over greater distances, and with longer communications at a time.

Personal Threshold : 60


Turn 1 : Success (80)
Turn 2 : Failure (28)


Turn 1 : Success (90)

Ability Learned!

Class : Shii-Cho

Class : Shii-Cho
Instructor : Master Iosaf Palladeshi

Stance :
Lightsaber gripped with dominant hand towards the middle of the hilt, wrist straight, blade in front of the body, securing the hilt with the non dominant hand.

Why do we fight?
As Jedi, we have a duty to serve the forse. To preserve and cherish life, but if anything were to threaten that, or the balance of the force, we must destroy the threat with as much mercy and compassion as we can show in such a dire task.

High Guard Stance :
Blade in front, lifing it above the head and bent back fourty five degrees over the head, dominant foot back, and non dominant foot forward, slightly wider than shoulder width, back straight and shoulders squared.

There are six sections split over the general areas, and are the central focus of attack and defense in any lightsaber form.

The Head
We attack this usually with a vertical or diagonal strike from above. Parries will be intercepting them at a perpendicular angle. If it comes down vertical, we seep up with a horizontal blade. If it is diagonal we parry with an equal and opposite diagonal defense.

Right Arm and Left Arm
To attack these zones, you will bring your blade from your side and move your body iwth it, towards the side you aim to strike.
To defend, from High Guard Stance, bring your blade down over your shoulder vertically to deflect.

Mid Guard Stance :
Blade in front and angled out slightly and shallow.


Left leg and Right Leg.

Class ended here.

Ability Not Learned!!

Notes : Jedi Code

Class : Jedi Code
Instructor : Knight Arkaous Ainsworth

There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the force.

The Jedi Code is the tenant that the Jedi live by and dedicate themselves to.

There is no emotion, there is peace.
We must not let our emotions rule our decisions, as we must follow the force, and the order.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
A Jedi must strive to learn through out their lives for informed decisions.

There is no passion, there is serenity.
Passions, like emotions, must be controled and not allowed to rule decisions.
Master Boaz Aadia states :
Serenity is the ability to accept the things in a situation that you cannot change, finding the strength to change the things you can, and the wisdom to understand the difference.
With knowledge and peace in your mind, you can think without passions trying to overcome things unachieveable and focus on the things that are finding serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.
Calming the inner chaos.
Jedi seek to find harmony within everything.
There are two types of chaos, and harmony. Inner and Outer.

There is no death, there is the force.
In dying, you become one with the force. A jedi should not fear death.