Class : Shii-Cho

Class : Shii-Cho
Instructor : Master Iosaf Palladeshi

Stance :
Lightsaber gripped with dominant hand towards the middle of the hilt, wrist straight, blade in front of the body, securing the hilt with the non dominant hand.

Why do we fight?
As Jedi, we have a duty to serve the forse. To preserve and cherish life, but if anything were to threaten that, or the balance of the force, we must destroy the threat with as much mercy and compassion as we can show in such a dire task.

High Guard Stance :
Blade in front, lifing it above the head and bent back fourty five degrees over the head, dominant foot back, and non dominant foot forward, slightly wider than shoulder width, back straight and shoulders squared.

There are six sections split over the general areas, and are the central focus of attack and defense in any lightsaber form.

The Head
We attack this usually with a vertical or diagonal strike from above. Parries will be intercepting them at a perpendicular angle. If it comes down vertical, we seep up with a horizontal blade. If it is diagonal we parry with an equal and opposite diagonal defense.

Right Arm and Left Arm
To attack these zones, you will bring your blade from your side and move your body iwth it, towards the side you aim to strike.
To defend, from High Guard Stance, bring your blade down over your shoulder vertically to deflect.

Mid Guard Stance :
Blade in front and angled out slightly and shallow.


Left leg and Right Leg.

Class ended here.

Ability Not Learned!!

Class : Force Empathy

NotesĀ : Force Empathy

Instructor : Knight Arkaous

Partner : Padawan Co’orma

Force Empathy is a force ability that allows one to get into someone’s mind, and get a glimpse of what they are feeling.

It must be used with caution, as when using the ability, you feel what the other person feels, and there is no knowing their emotional state until the ability is already used.


Success (97)


Success (90)

Ability Learned!!