Class : Three Pillars : Philosophy

Class : Three Pillars
Instructor : Boaz

The three pillars are tennants that a a Jedi will learn as an initiate, and prove through our actions that we know them as padawans.

It stands as a first step to mastering the Force, along with honoring our Masters who supercede us.

The first pillar is the force.
The living force is a binding entity that connects all things. It binds the other pillars together. It encompasses all that is involved in the living force and this is what we follow as Jedi.
We live by this, the idea that the living force relies on the insticts and actions of the living beings around us. The idea that there are two sides of the Force. The light side, and the dark side.

The second pillar is knowledge.
This exemplifies the idea that we, the Jedi, cannot fill our role without the study and wisdom exuded by our title. The best way to gain control of a situation is to have the wisdom and knowledge from multiple viewpoints that reveal themselves during an event. We are meant to hold onto the knowledge, as it is one of our most powerful tools. Focus carefully upon the knowledge in the moment.

The third pillar is self-discipline.
Control is in the moment. Discipline is a way of doing something, and act of repititious culture.
Students who show their mastery in the first two pillars will be allowed to learn the lightsaber. As we were expected to have the self-discipline to practice what we had learned from others on our own. Only after mastering ones self, can we, as initiates proceed to padawan and from our Master, take up a lightsaber for the first time.
Self Discipline more specifically stated is to conquer arrogance, overconfidence, defeatism, stubborness, recklessness, aggression, external loyalties, materialism and curiousity.
Given in this specific order, it is the chain of actions that lead to the first stage of falling to the Dark Side, which is curiosity. If we can conquer ourselves, we are then and only then able to truelly live a life of honesty.
Once you practice honesty, and you have conquered yourself, you can begin to honor those things most important in the life of a Jedi while keeping balance in the force.
We must honor our Promises, Padawans, Masters, our Council and Order, Life and Law.
Once we have done these things, the road to self-discipline has been traveled and we can seek greater knowledge, balanced in the force.
You must understand, that once you understand the Jedi Code, and you understand the 3 tennants of the Jedi Pillars, and you begin to learn the conquers and honors, you are learning a deeper level of the pillars of the Jedi.
Once you understand how they lead you down the road to darkness, if not followed through the stages of the dark side, you learn a deeper level, your pillars are buried deeper. You become stronger and more balanced in the force.

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