Noeticon : Day One

“I don’t have any idea what I’m doing… I walk through this place and see so many with their abilities and confidence and knowledge. I want to flee. There is no way that I can manage to learn everything that they know… Is there?”

She rubs her forehead with a soft sigh.

“I miss my family. I was told that I could not have.. ‘external loyalties’. This is one thing I will struggle with. I suppose it is the bad part of being pulled into training at such a late age. Right now, I wish they would have told me I was too old and just left me alone.”

Sitting down, she crosses her legs and rests her elbows on her knees, pressing her hands together before her, head down slightly.

“How do you do that? Separate your emotions from those you love? I know that I won’t see them again… And if I do it won’t be for a very long time… This causes me pain. I always knew that I would have a family. Get married, and have children… But that is not a possibility now. What do you do, and how do you deal, when you know your entire life plan has been changed? With no notice…”

Shaking her head, she reaches out, and the recording flickers off.

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