Class : Conquers and Honors : Part 1

Class : Conquers and Honors : Part 1
Instructor : Knight Jhoraan Gray

Essentially, a philosophy. A list that all Jedi should live by, but open to interpretation.

Conquers :

Arrogance – Arrogance can make us blind to those around us who aren’t Jedi, and may be capable of helping us, or may even be strong enough to help themselve.s Jedi are not better than anyone.

Overconfidence – Overconfidence leads to lack of strive to do better, and often leaves you vulnerable.

Defeatism – If you always plan to fail, you will always fail. One should always plan for success first.

Stubbornness – Being set in our ways leads to not being open to or accepting of other ways. This can lead to failure, or falling to the dark side. This is why there is no shame in running from a threat, or giving up an impossible task. Sometimes it gives us another path.

Recklessness – Being reckless leads to not knowing dangers, or other options for situations. It could put yourself and others in danger of harm or death.

Curiousity – Seeking knowledge for selfish reasons is dangerous and can lead to the dark side.

Aggression – Acting on aggression is acting on passion. It leads to us using our anger to wield the force, and may cause others to misjudge us.

External Loyalties – Could lead to you doing things for people that are not allowed or without permission of the council. This can lead to a bad reputation for the council the republic and the force.

Materialism – Forming attachments to even material objects not just living ones, can distract from the force, and when lost, can cause emotions and dangers of crossing the line to the dark side.

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